Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the side-effects of light therapy?Photizo® has been optimized to deliver an optimal dose of near-infrared light to treat several conditions, if used once daily or once every two days. Applying Photizo® light therapy more than once a day will not cause any discomfort or pain, but may result in slower wound healing being. In addition, some patients with painful conditions report a slight increase in pain when using light therapy, but this usually passes in a few minutes and is followed by a pain relief effect.
2. Will light therapy cause cancer?
No. To date, no carcinogenic effects have been noted for coherent light in the near-infrared range.
3. Can Photizo® be used during pregnancy?
The effects of Photizo® have not been tested on pregnant women or animals. While the fetus cannot be negatively influenced by light, but we would not recommend using Photizo® on areas proximal to the developing fetus.
4. Can light therapy affect the thyroid gland?
While there are no known side-effects related to LED-based light therapy, the thyroid gland is a sensitive gland and very close to the skin surface, so treatment directly over the thyroid should preferably be avoided. A slight increase in thyroid activity has been reported in one report using LED light therapy. We suggest you place a light impermeable object over the thyroid when treating in or around this area.
5. Can Photizo® be used to relieve arthritis pain?
Photizo® has an analgesic effect in most patients suffering from various forms of degenerative joint diseases such as arthritis. Not only does Photizo® relieve pain, but it also assists chondrocytes in replacing themselves, thereby assisting in the rebuilding of joints.
6. Can Photizo® be used on or by epilepsy sufferers?
Some studies suggest that pulsed or strobed visible light at frequencies in the 5-10Hz ranges can cause epileptic attacks. Photizo® does not pulse in the 5-10Hz range, but epileptics (like all other persons) should avoid looking directly at the light beam emitted from the probe for preventory measures.
7. Can Photizo® be used on children or small animals?
No harmful effects have been demonstrated when treating growth plates in young animals. Young children and animals can be treated safely with Photizo®, provided the protocols are strictly adhered to.
8. Can Photizo® be used on or by cancer patients?
Light therapy does not cause or promote cancer. However, Photizo® is useful in treating many of the side effects of cancer treatment, such as, especially, mucositis, a painful side-effect of radiation therapy.
9. Can Photizo® be used by or on diabetic patients?
Yes, Photizo® was designed originally for use in healing venous ulcers in diabetics. Diabetic patients having slow healing or non-healing wounds, and individuals suffering from loss of sensation in the hands or feet tend to benefit tremendously. However, it is important to treat wounds, cuts or scratches immediately following injury, to ensure quick healing and to lessen the risk of infection.

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Caball Therapy Systems
Skaarupore Strandvej 52C
5881 Skaarup Fyn
+45 2815 5676
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